Box 5
Contains 13 Results:
Box 5
This box contains portraits of Louise Herreshoff, photos of Herreshoff's trip to China, photos of Providence, RI, Col Alto, and Washington and Lee University photos. Also includes photos of family graves.
Louise Herreshoff Portraits
This file consists of portraits and photographs of Louise Herreshoff.
Louise Herreshoff Portraits
This file consists of portraits and photographs of Louise Herreshoff.
Louise Herreshoff Portraits
This file consists of portraits and photographs of Louise Herreshoff.
Elizabeth "Aunt Lizzie" Dyer Portraits
This file contains photographs and portraits of Louise Herreshoff's aunt Elizabeth "Lizzie" Dyer.
Miscellaneous Portraits (mostly unidentified)
This file consists of portraits and photographs of unidentified subjects.
Unidentified Ambrotype, 1856 - 1865
This folder contains an unidentified portrait ambrotype in its original casing.
Photos from Travels (Washington D.C., Niagra Falls)
This file consist of photos from Louise Herreshoff's travels to Niagra Falls.
Photos and Negatives of China Collection
This file consists of photographs and negatives of Louise Herreshoff and Euchlin Reeves' china collection.
Photos of 89 Benevolent Street - Providence, Rhode Island (old Reeves home)
This file consists of photographs of 89 Benevolent St in Providence, RI, which was Louise Herreshoff and Euchlin Reeves' family home where their china collection and paintings were stored.
Providence, Rhode Island Photos
This file consists of photos of Providence, RI.
Grave Photos (Lizzie Dyer, Louise Herreshoff, John Dyer)
This file consists of photos of grave stones and sites for members of the Herreshoff and Reeves' families.
Col Alto and Washington and Lee Photos
This file contains photographs of Washington and Lee's campus, as well as Col Alto.